Pledge for February
Jubilee 2025
Live Simply Award for St Vincent's Parish:
celebrating what we have done as a Parish over the past two years, to care for God’s creation and each other, and to seek the help of the Holy Spirit to do more
Live Simply in Action in the Parish
We have been working with the Reception class in St. Marie’s school garden. It has been wonderful to live through the seasons with the children. The children have enjoyed working in the garden. Some of the children live in flats so don’t have their own garden at home. In the last few months we have planted bulbs, made bug hotels, cleared weeds, collected apples, and made fat balls for the birds. Every week nature gifts us with new experiences. It was lovely to see the snowdrops making an appearance last week and to spot all the green shoots emerging after all the recent snow. It is a privilege to be with the children and to help them grow in their understanding of nature and the changing seasons. Here are some recent photos that show the children’s efforts in the garden. A Burke, P.Delamere
Painting Stones to mark the Season of Creation 2024; placed at the feet of Our Lady,
with a prayer said together

St Vincent's Furniture Store
We are in urgent need of the following donations:
We are in urgent need of the following donations:
- Two seater sofas (must be clean with no marks or stains and have the 1988 fire regulation label attached)
- Single and double bed frames with mattresses (these must be clean with no marks or stains and have the 1988 fire regulation label attached)
- Single and double mattresses (these must be clean with no marks or stains and have the 1988 fire regulation label attached)
- High Backed Chairs (OT)
- 2 to 6 seater dining tables and chairs
- Chests of drawers
- Single assembled wardrobes
- Clothing rails
- Bunk beds
- Small electricals (toasters, microwaves, kettles, irons, lamps, vacuum cleaners)
- Small bookcases and desks
- Rugs (all sizes)
- Clean towels
- Clean single and double bedding sets
- Single and double duvets (must be new or in pristine condition, no marks or stains)
- Pots, pans and kitchen utensils

St Wilfrid's Centre: Tinned vegetables, peas, carrots, sweetcorn, potatoes all year in the yellow crate please!

We need women's small sizes jeans or leggings (8-10), plus men's winter coats. Thank you
We need women's small sizes jeans or leggings (8-10), plus men's winter coats. Thank you
Guide to the LiveSimply Award
LiveSimply Flyer
St Vincent's Pledges Month by Month to Live Simply
LiveSimply Spreadsheet Year 1. Final PDF April 2024
St Vincent's Action Plan 2024-2025
Reflections on Sunday Readings and the themes of LiveSimply
Ordinary Time: Winter Year C
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” Live in Solidarity- called to act
Live Simply- powerful images using the natural world
Ordinary Time: Winter Year C
- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, The Gospel
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” Live in Solidarity- called to act
- 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, First Reading
Live Simply- powerful images using the natural world
- 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, The Gospel
The Letter: Parish Film Night
Click to watch the film:
Cycle of Prayer. Prayers of the Faithful.
Ordinary Time: Winter
Peace on Earth
especially on the Day of Prayer for Peace (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and (from 2016) Racial Justice Day (3 Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Victims of Human Trafficking
especially on St Josephine Bakhita (8 February)
The Unemployed
especially on the Day of Prayer for the Unemployed (1 Sunday before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Ordinary Time: Winter
Peace on Earth
especially on the Day of Prayer for Peace (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time) and (from 2016) Racial Justice Day (3 Sundays before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Victims of Human Trafficking
especially on St Josephine Bakhita (8 February)
The Unemployed
especially on the Day of Prayer for the Unemployed (1 Sunday before the 1st Sunday of Lent)
Prayer Resources
St Vincent's Parish LiveSimply Prayer
Father, source of light and goodness
Help us to tread lightly on your world, and
To share with each other the fruits of your creation.
Acting justly, loving tenderly and living simply.
Showing humility and gratitude for all that you give
Lord of heaven and earth.
Father, source of light and goodness
Help us to tread lightly on your world, and
To share with each other the fruits of your creation.
Acting justly, loving tenderly and living simply.
Showing humility and gratitude for all that you give
Lord of heaven and earth.
Liturgy for Children
The Parable of the Mustard Seed: how small acts, that we all take, help to make the world a better place
Photo Gallery
LiveSimply News from Elsewhere (click on each for more info)
- St Francis Parish starts journey to LiveSimply Award
- Recycling electrical, electronic equipment- Dinnington Parish update
- Just Money-a vision of a world where money is used to shape a fairer, greener future for everyone
- Bishop Arnold of Salford, lead Bishop on Environmental Issues, on Laudate Deum
- Hallam Diocese How to Live Simply
- St Dunstan's Parish Woking, Walk Cycle Car Share to Mass
- LiveSimply Award for Our Lady of Fatima Church, London
- Irish Parish Priest cuts church energy bills with solar panels
- The singing nuns, "The Canticle of Creation": "a message of peace...caring for the planet"
Articles/ Resources
New: St Vincent's Live Simply Award in Hallam Bridge
Laudate Si: Discussion document Santa Clara Jesuit University
Laudate Deum: a summary of its relevance and importance (CAFOD)
The Blessings of John O'Donohue
Fast Fashion (Fr Sean McDonagh)
An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching- Protecting our Common Home
Consumerism and Climate Change (Fr Paddy)
Silence in the Sacred Liturgy (Fr Paddy)
Diocesan Commitment to Laudato Si' (Bishop Ralph)
Notes for Liturgy for Children and Laudato Si'
Give in Memory: Click Here
Laudate Si: Discussion document Santa Clara Jesuit University
Laudate Deum: a summary of its relevance and importance (CAFOD)
The Blessings of John O'Donohue
Fast Fashion (Fr Sean McDonagh)
An Introduction to Catholic Social Teaching- Protecting our Common Home
Consumerism and Climate Change (Fr Paddy)
Silence in the Sacred Liturgy (Fr Paddy)
Diocesan Commitment to Laudato Si' (Bishop Ralph)
Notes for Liturgy for Children and Laudato Si'
Give in Memory: Click Here
- Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart, by Brian McLaren. Hodder and Stoughton
- The Lie of the Land, by Guy Shrubsole. Harper Collins
- The Ten Commandments of Laudato Si', by Fr Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam. Liturgical Press, Minnesota
- Ten Commandments for the Environment. Pope Benedict XVI Speaks Out for Creation and Justice, by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker. Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Indiana
- Climate Optimism: Climate Wins and Creating Systemic Change Around the World, by Zahra Biabani
- The Power of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben
- Laudato Si, (2015) Pope Francis
- Sacred Nature: How We Can Recover our Bond with the Natural World, by Karen Armstrong
Campaigns/ Petitions You Can Sign/ Actions (Click on each for information)
- Decarbonisation of church buildings- find out more, then could YOU raise the issue?
- Discover the positive actions you can take with your finances: Justmoney Movement
- Fix the Food System CAFOD's food campaign urging UK government to protect the rights of farmers around the world to use their seeds
- Ask your MP to stop cowboy lenders | CAFOD 90% of the lending to lower income countries is enforced through UK courts. That means we can push for a new law to make cowboy lenders cancel debt.
- Get a bus to mass: click for 52 bus timetable
- Nature Recovery Sheffield: click to get involved
- Join campaigns to tackle the effects of the plastic problem felt across our society: information
- Repair Cafe: click for details of a monthly repair cafe in Sheffield
- Community gardens and urban farmers
- and ideas for greener travel
- Blister Pack Recycling Scheme (currently suspended)

Living in Solidarity: Supporting our Charities. Click each name for information
Links to Explore Explore for pilgrim routes and broadening of the idea of pilgrimage
Laudato Si' Movement ( A wide range of information relating to the encyclical Laudato Si and our responsibility to live lightly on the earth.
Laudato Si' Movement ( A wide range of information relating to the encyclical Laudato Si and our responsibility to live lightly on the earth.
Laudato Si’ Movement Prayer Book has prayers for many occasions, from many cultures, together with the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross and an examination of conscience, all on the theme of caring for God's creation.
Laudato Si' Research Institute, inspired by Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical, seeks to provide intellectual foundations for a reordering of society towards care for the earth and care for the poor.
Resources - Columban Missionaries ( The Columban missionaries work with passion for Justice, Peace and Concern for the Integrity of God's Creation. Check their resources for information and for prayer guidance.
Vocation for Justice- Columban Missionaries working for Justice, Peace and Ecology
Vocation for Justice- Columban Missionaries working for Justice, Peace and Ecology The Journey to 2030 is a lay-run project that supports the Church and its wider community to respond to the cry of the earth and the poor. Its mission is to help our church communities to be the hubs of transformational change that they want to see in the world. See the section on the parish on their website: Parish - The Journey to 2030
The Call of Creation, The Catholic Bishops’ Conference New edition of their teaching document on the environment.
Friday Abstinence, Carbon Emissions, LiveSimply Award Catholic Bishops' Conference Resolutions on Environmental Matters.
Friday Abstinence, Carbon Emissions, LiveSimply Award Catholic Bishops' Conference Resolutions on Environmental Matters.
Family activities and ideas ( Cafod has a very large website, and of course is the promoter of the LiveSimply Award for which our parish is working. It is particularly worth checking out their resources for schools and families.
Reducing screen time- benefits for everyone
Ethical Banking What it is and which ethical banks offer UK current accounts
Give a gift that matters with Gifts for Life e-cards from Transform Trade: Click Here
Good Taste- the Sheffield Fair Trade Shop: Click Here
Ethical Banking What it is and which ethical banks offer UK current accounts
Give a gift that matters with Gifts for Life e-cards from Transform Trade: Click Here
Good Taste- the Sheffield Fair Trade Shop: Click Here
- No Mow May
- Live Simply Logo Competition
- Reception Class Activity Day at St Vincent's Church Green Space
- Message of Pope Francis for Season of Creation Day 2023
- Season of Creation Walk 2023
- Season of Creation Diocesan Leads Message July 2023
- St Joseph's Dinnington Live Simply May Leaflet
- Harvest Prayers
- CAFOD Harvest Prayer 2024
- CAFOD Harvest Appeal: click to go to website and donate
- Prayer for Creation on All Saints and All Souls Day
- Prayer for Creation: December
- Different Ways to Mark Lent
- 7 Week Fast With a Difference
- An ecological Stations of the Cross, and a calendar for Lent 2024:
- International Mother Earth Day 2024: Planet v Plastics Pax Christi
- Climate Prayer Vigil Lent 2024-Hallam Diocese Press Release, 'No Faith in Fossil Fuels'
- St Joseph's Dinnington gain Live Simply Award
- Home from Home Hallam
Fundraising Highlights
- St Justin's Car Boot Sale 2024 raised £748
- CAFOD Big Lent Walk raised £965! Thank you to everyone. Click for full text of Prayers
- St Vincent's Christmas Bazaar 2024 raised £1633.50 for a number of Parish charities