PARISH GROUPSGift Aid: If you wish to GIFT AID your collection, please let us have a copy of the form for our records before it's sent to Leeds for processing. Thank you.
Had the Abortion Act not been passed in 1967
There would be: 2,000,000 more adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s. 1,500,000 more teenagers. 2,000,000 more children. 800,000 more babies and toddlers. Economy would be booming (no shortage of staff and oceans more consumers) No worries about migration Young people would easily outnumber the old No shortage of indigenous farm workers Living in the UK would be paradise (with a little less rain and more sun maybe) 251,377 lives were lost to abortion in England and Wales in 2022. We need WAKE UP A notice from the SVP
The SVP may be able to help for example with food vouchers, food bank, provision of school uniform etc, or practical things like shopping. If you think we may be able to help please ring the Parish 2680716 WHY HAVE SO MANY STOPPED COMING TO MASS (Cardinal Dolan)GUIDELINES FOR READERSMINISTERS OF COMMUNIONSILENCE IN THE SACRED LITURGYMINISTRY OF CATECHISTReverence in the Sacred Liturgy (1)The Catholic MassFORMED
Videos for First Communion and Confirmation candidates - and adults How do new parishioners register for an account with FORMED Registering for FORMED is easier than ever: 1. Go to 2. Select your parish (using Post Code is easiest) 3. Register with your name and email address 4. Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED How do parishioners log into FORMED that previously had access? 1. Go to 2. In the upper right corner, select "Sign In" 3. A new "Sign In" screen appears and user enters their email address and selects "Next" 4. A message appears for user to "Check your email!" 5. Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED |
(Any sudden changes will appear on Latest Bulletin to the left). SUNDAY: 9.30am and 6 pm MONDAY: (No Mass at St Vincent's) On the First Monday of every month and Bank Holidays Mass is said at St Michael's Chapel, Rivelin Valley Road, Sheffield S6 5GL at 10.30am. TUESDAY: 7.00pm WEDNESDAY: 9.30am THURSDAY: 9.30am FRIDAY: 9.30am SATURDAY: Mass at the Mission Hub at Solly Street 10am (normally) Confessions on Saturday from 10am to 10.45pm and on Tuesday after the evening Mass. ![]() This is a street artists view of the New 'state of the art' St Vincent's Mission Hub at Solly Street. It houses the University Chaplaincy and is also used as a Diocesan outreach Centre for youth evangelisation. It originally was the Victorian boys school which was opened in the 1860's shortly after the Vincentian Order arrived in the city to establish this parish. Mass is once more being said in it's original habitat of Solly Street after a lapse of twenty-four years. Long may it remain that way. The project was mostly funded by St Vincent's Parish, Crookes with some help from the Diocese. The place is utterly transformed. Why not pay a visit.
Fr Paddy
An interesting article on Gaza by a U.S columnist.Carlo Acutis (Video Link) ASSISTED DYING (SUICIDE)
The readings today are about God's merciful Judgement but we want to appear before Him at a time of His choosing, not ours. Here's a quote from the CATHOLIC CATECHISM. "Everyone is responsible for his life before God who has given it to him or her. It is God who remains the sovereign Master of life. We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for his honour and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of. Taking one's life contradicts the natural inclination of the human being to preserve and perpetuate his or her life". This nation stands on the brink of a major change in how we treat human life, particularly the lives of the most vulnerable. If this radical proposal to introduce assisted suicide passes, thousands of vulnerable lives will be at risk over the coming years. Mounting evidence from the small number of places around the world that have legalised assisted suicide shows that safeguards do not work, and that changing the law can have devastating consequences. Will the 'right to die' become the 'duty to die. When David's Steel's Abortion Act was passed in 1967 there were stringent safeguards. They have practically all gone by the board. It is now abortion on demand for all intents and purposes. If this Bill is passed the trust between patient and doctor will be undermined. So also will palliative care. All this if far removed from the Gospel prerogative to love our neighbour especially the neighbour who is most vulnerable. The elderly and not so elderly who are suffering are not a burden to those who love them. We will be judged by God on how we treat them. "I was sick and you visited me" (Mt 25) - not leave me alone in a room to take my own life" |